- a calendar program that is portable, lightweight, and simple to use -

Simple to Use

Scroll from January to December - Caladder is just a stack of 52 weeks. Caladder is only a single .html file, so you can use it anywhere you have a browser.

Cross Compatible

Caladder runs in either Firefox or IE Browsers - so it works for basically everyone. And it has validated HTML and CSS, to make sure it's compatible with as many people as possible.

Open Source

Caladder is free to you, free to distribute, and free to edit. If you know JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, you can modify Caladder to do whatever you want!

Caladder version 4.2 - What's new?

A new Preferences Panel, so you can change any color in Caladder without editing the source code.
A new and improved system of windows that is easier and more intuitive to use.
A new Color Chooser interface - a full 216 "Web Safe" HTML Color Palette at your finger tips... Billions of colors available through direct Hex color number entry.
More standard options to choose from - including Caladders where the week starts on Sunday or Monday, and two default color schemes to choose from, Light and Dark.

For a full list of features, go to the Features page.

caladder [at] mattlag [dot] com
